Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Steamed Tofu with Egg and Minced Pork 2

Remember this post? Yeah, this dish is long overdue. I have been really busy, trying to catch up with the household chores and work after my 2 weeks holiday overseas.

Anyways, I have mustered up enough courage to try this for a second time and I am glad it worked. :)

I guess sometimes you really can't follow what you see on recipe books too closely. That explains for my previous failed attempt.

My hub actually likes it!

But when he scooped up the liquid at the bottom of the bowl to drink, I was like, 'Eh, 什么态度?' The main dish is the solid food, not the liquid. >_<" But then again, I did that with Chawanmushi too... so I can understand the tempation to do so. :P

  • 2 eggs
  • 150g of tofu
  • 100g of minced pork
  • 50 ml of chicken stock (not 400ml! as stated in the recipe book. *slaps forehead*)
  • 1/2 tbsp of light soy sauce
  • A dash of pepper

1) Beat the eggs
2) Add the minced pork into the egg mixture and mix well
3) Add the stock and the seasonings
4) Add the tofu
5) Steam in Healsio for 20 minutes

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